Spring Cleaning 101 Brief History & Tips
It’s that time of year again when our thoughts turn to refreshing our homes with a good spring clean. Spring time is a time of rebirth and renewal. After a long, cold, dark winter we want to embrace a brighter and more energized home. Deep clean all the areas that don’t normally get cleaned. Today we can deep clean our…
Why You Should Go Through Everything You Own At Least Once a Year
Do you go through everything you own every year? Once upon a time we all had very little, just a few things our parents gave us. As time went on, we acquired more and more. You may have decluttered some over the years – clothes that didn’t fit you or suit your style anymore. Maybe some household goods or personal…
Interior Car Detailing – 7 Easy Steps
This spring I will be doing interior car detailing for some family members. I started with my daughter-in-law’s car which is a Ford Flex. It ended up being a lot more work than a regular car because of the extra row of seats and numerous little cubbies. If you are interested in making your vehicle (almost) like new, do a…
Life Changing Items for New Home Owners
As a new home owner you may wonder what items you will need to care for it. Over the years I have acquired new tools, equipment and gadgets that made caring for my homes so much easier and indeed, life changing. Where do you live and what type of home do you have (freehold, townhome, condominium, etc.)? The answers to…
Organize Your Home to Minimize Cleaning Time
Did you know that having an organized home can minimize your cleaning time? Anyone who knows me, knows that I like a tidy home, but like many people, I don’t like cleaning! I know there are some rare people that actually do. There is also the satisfaction of a job well done at the end, even if you don’t. Laundry…
Cleaning versus Disinfecting – A Quick Guide
Now, more than ever, it is important to make sure our home environments are clean. It is in the news and on government websites that we need to disinfect, but to do that properly you need to clean first. The difference between cleaning and disinfecting… Cleaning removes visible dirt, grime and impurities and reduces the amount of micro-organisms. It makes…
Why Clean Your House? The True Cost of Being a Slob
As children, most of us were born slobs. Let’s face it – there are a lot more fun things to do than clean and when we were young our parents cleaned up for us. In my generation we were responsible for doing chores when we got a little older and at the very least, tidy our rooms. This was not…