Turquoise holiday mask ornament

Common Holiday Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

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I’m sure everyone has been stressed out because of holiday mistakes. Knowing what those mistakes are is the first step in avoiding them.

Older lady serving turkey to her family

Holiday Mistake #1...Forgetting what's most important...

The reason for the season is not supposed to be promoting commercialism to the extreme. (Although I’m sure big businesses and banks would disagree.) It is being with the people we love, sharing good food, good times and being grateful for life’s blessings, whatever your religious beliefs may be.

Vintage Santa's sleigh
Vintage Santa's sleigh that I re-use every year.

Holiday Mistake #2...Over Spending...

An obvious mistake, I’m sure you guessed, is over spending. From the gifts to the food, the parties or events to travel expenses, if you aren’t staying home.

Having a budget is crucial to not over spending. Ideally you will have a budget for all your expenses and know how much extra you will have for the holiday. Using credit cards to gain reward points? Make sure you have the cash to pay it off in full first. Avoid having a financial holiday hangover in January.

DIY holiday planner in gold & white stripes

Plan for your activities, food and gifts. A few years ago I made a holiday planner. My card list and holiday budget are also in here.

Busy shopping mall during holidays

Holiday Mistake #3...Leaving Christmas Shopping until the last minute...

Are you someone who does their Christmas shopping on December 24th regularly? Why would anyone want to fight the crowds, frantically searching for that special gift that you can’t find?

We all know Christmas comes every year in December. Start shopping for gifts early to spread out your spending. Be careful not to get too much or items that will not be appropriate when it is time to give them. Clothes for kids can be tricky because they are always growing. Also toys that they are into at the moment may not interest them in a few months.

Dining Room Chandelier
Minimal holiday decorations in dining room.

Holiday Mistake #4...Over Decorating...

If you LOVE to deck your whole house and yard out in festive decorations please keep doing that. It is NOT a mistake if you have the time, money and energy and it brings you great joy. 

Many years ago when I was juggling work and looking after my kids I loved decorating for the holidays. I hated the un-decorating though, and having decorations all over the house made it harder to keep clean. The season of life you are in and your personal situation will dictate how much or how little to decorate.

Holiday Mistake #5...Not making space for seasonal decorations...

I used to do this all the time. I would just add my holiday decorations to the items I already had until I learned this invaluable tip. Clear away existing decor and store in your holiday bins. This will keep your home less cluttered, easier to clean and the holiday decor can be appreciated.

December calendar

Holiday Mistake #6...Decorating too early...

Do you have a real tree? You don’t want to put it up too early and have it drying out and all the needles falling off before the big day. Even if you have an artificial tree, you may want to think twice about putting it up right after Halloween. By the time Christmas gets here, you will be sick and tired of looking at it and be ready to tear it all down on the 26th.

Skates Christmas ornament

Holiday Mistake #7...Over Scheduling...

Life is busy enough with work, school, sports and other after-school activities. Church activities, school plays, work parties, community dances and private get-togethers just add to the busy-ness and stress.

Prioritize your must-dos first. Then, if you have time and energy left over, add any others that you really want to. Don’t be afraid to gracefully decline if you are overwhelmed.

Holiday Mistake #8...Not decluttering holiday decor you no longer use...

Throwing all your Christmas decorations into a bin every year will just lead to chaos next year. Take a little time to go through everything and pack away what you want to keep neatly. If you have Christmas lights or garland, wrap them around a light cord wind up. Wrap delicate ornaments and put in a box or in a special Christmas ornament storage box with compartments. Throw broken items and garbage in the trash (or recycling if possible) and donate any unwanted items in good condition.

Happy Holidays!

I hope you found these tips helpful and have a blessed time with your family and friends.