2024 blush & marble Fringe planner, & weekly planner pad
Binders,  Organizing

Planner Tips for Beginners

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Planning is a crucial part of being organized. Are you a beginner to the planner world? (Yes – that is a thing.) Do you use a planner,  or just keep it all “in your head”? Or do you write things down on scraps of paper, which you frequently lose? Maybe you use one for your work schedule and appointments only, but they can be used for so much more.

Planner with water & exercise tracker
Are you tracking your water intake or exercise?

What do you need a planner for?

Everyone’s situation is different. Writing down appointments and special occasions are an obvious need for everyone. A planner can also help you keep track of your goals, to do list, special projects, money and health.  

  • A stay-at-home parent may need to do baking for a school function or arrange play dates for their children.
  • Home-schoolers will need to plan lessons and keep track of their progress.
  • If you are a student you might need to have your class schedule and daily homework or special projects.
  • Working shiftwork or a flexible schedule? How do you make sure you are paid appropriately for the hours you work?
  • Maybe you have meetings that you need to keep track of and make notes.
  • Are you an entrepreneur? What are your goals? Do you need to give quotes for jobs?
  • If you have health goals a planner may help you succeed by tracking intake and exercise.
  • Do you have a renovation project where you need to organize different contractors or getting supplies?
Pink monthly planner

Beginner Planning Tip #1...Choosing a planner...keep it simple...

If you are new to using a planner I recommend keeping it simple. Don’t spend a lot of money buying an expensive planner to begin with. Buy an inexpensive one from the dollar store and try it for a month. See what works for you. A month on two pages, a week on two pages, or daily planners are a few common options. A combination of different types might be best for you. 

Week on two pages planner
Daily pink planner
Daily planner
Month on two pages spread
Month on two pages.

Beginner Planner Tip #2...Consider Your needs & Organizing style...

Yes, you do have an organizing style. Do you like to see everything you have or have things hidden in different containers? Maybe a little of both? As it pertains to planner use – you may want to have an overview of a week or month on two pages. One glance will show you what appointments, deadlines, bills to pay, or other activities are coming up. You may want to record more info about a project, or break down steps to do too. The week-on-two pages or even a day-on-a-page will give you more room to do this. Do you like reminders for your other goals or a means of tracking them? Drinking water or exercise? Paying down debt or saving money?

Small Business Owner?

My dad used a daily planner to record his work highlights of the day. He kept track of what he did for his customers, his business, what he spent and any quotes. This helped him remember details and made it more efficient. And it made it easier at tax time.

Do you need more than one planner?

Some people have multiple planners for different purposes. After trying one for a month you will have a better idea for what you need. Some people prefer to have separate planners for personal and business. 

DIY holiday planner in gold & white stripes
Holiday planner
January goals & to do page
Goals & To-Dos for the month.
Weekly plan pad
Weekly plan for daily to-dos & priorities.

My planner system...

 As someone who works from home I do not have separate planners for personal and business. However, I do have a separate one for holiday planning. My main planner at the moment, by Fringe, has a combination of functions. I usually get one every year at Winners or Homesense. It starts each month with a page for goals, to-dos, birthdays and anniversaries and notes. Then there is a month-on-two-pages, a week-on-two pages, and a full note page. I also use a weekly planner pad that I got at a dollar store which I use for my daily to-do lists.

Decorated planner pages

Beginner Planner Tip...The Hobby of Planner Decoration...

It is a hobby for some to decorate their planners with stickers and washi tape. Do you want to decorate it? Don’t go overboard on buying stickers, tapes and markers. Try one or two. You might hate it, or find you really don’t have the time to decorate it as a hobby.

Create a habit...

When you do anything consistently for a while it becomes a habit and gets easier with use. Try different planner styles until you find what works for you. A planner will make it easier to stay organized and accomplish your goals when it becomes a habit.

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