spray cleaner and rubber glove
Cleaning,  Home Management

Cleaning versus Disinfecting – A Quick Guide

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Now, more than ever, it is important to make sure our home environments are clean. It is in the news and on government websites that we need to disinfect, but to do that properly you need to clean first.

The difference between cleaning and disinfecting...

Cleaning removes visible dirt, grime and impurities and reduces the amount of micro-organisms. It makes everything look pretty.

Disinfecting, after the initial cleaning, will actually kill all micro-organisms, which helps reduce the risk of spreading infection.

That said, you cannot disinfect without cleaning first! You will just be moving the micro-organisms around that are hiding in the dirt.

robot vacuum cleaner
black & wood cleaning brushes, dust pan

Cleaning entails...

At home, regular cleaning may involve vacuuming, “mopping”, wiping up dust and dirt with soap and water, or natural cleaners. It is not essential to kill all bacteria, and unless someone in the home is sick, a little bacteria left behind is healthier to boost your immunity.

bottle of disinfectant

Disinfecting entails...

The use of chemicals, heat or other mechanical method to kill micro-organisms. Hospitals and healthcare settings use very concentrated chemicals. Regular less-potent chemicals are widely available for household use. Unfortunately, some people have adverse reactions to the chemicals and will need to use alternative methods.(ie. heat/steam or mechanical – e-cloths with built-in anti-bacterial) 

Door knob and knocker

Areas to focus on first with cleaning and disinfecting...

The two most important high traffic areas for germs is the bathroom and the kitchen. That’s a no-brainer. At least once a week, you should also clean and disinfect garbage and recycling bins.

There are also many smaller areas, points of contact, that are frequently overlooked:

  • Light switches
  • Thermostats
  • Door knobs and knockers
  • Window handles
  • TV remotes
  • Computer keyboards
  • Touch screens (phones, tablets, computers,etc.)
  • Toilet lever handle or button
  • Handrails
  • Keypads on locks and alarms
Nest thermostat after

When to clean...

If everyone is healthy in your home, regular cleaning – removing visible dirt and grime so it looks nice, is fine.

When to disinfect...

  • You will have to step up your game if someone in your home is sick, or if a visitor comes in that is sick. 
  • After all meat preparation clean and disinfect all surface contact with it – cutting boards, knives and counter-tops. (If you have a dishwasher that makes it easy.) 
  • And don”t forget all the high traffic areas previously mentioned.
Disinfectant wipes

How to disinfect...

If using a chemical spray or wipe, read the instructions. Most will require at least a few minutes of “dwell” time where it remains on a surface wet for it to work properly. Chlorox suggests leaving bleach on surfaces for 5 minutes. Use the right disinfectant and check expiration dates.

A few chemical options are:

  • Anti-bacterial wipes such as Lysol.
  • Bleach solution – mix 5 tablespoons(1/3 cup)bleach per gallon of water, or 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water. Never mix with ammonia or other household cleaners. Test in a small, non-visible area first.
  • Rubbing alcohol – at least 70% (Essential oils can be added to a homemade disinfectant spray with 70% alcohol. Lavender, tea tree and lemon oil are common ones to use. Some essential oils are toxic to cats and/or dogs so use caution when using them so they do not ingest them.)

A few non-chemical options are:

  • Handheld steamer – 212ºF or 100ºC at tip will kill bacteria on contact – use on hard or soft surfaces, and can double as a garment steamer.
  • Floor steamer – can clean and sanitize at the same time but read directions carefully to see if it safe for your type of floor.
  • Washing machine with sanitize cycle for sheets, towels and other washable fabric items.
  • Dishwasher with sanitize cycle for smaller hard surface items that are dishwasher safe.(NOT acrylic things, which I learned from personal experience.)
  • Norwex Enviro cloth – kills 99% bacteria with just water. (I will be doing a future blog on their products.) You will be amazed at what they can do, eliminating the need for all toxins in the home. I was so impressed I became a consultant!
Norwex cleaning items
Norwex (& a few other) cleaning items.

A final tip on cleaning...

If you would like to make your life, and cleaning and disinfecting routine easier, begin by decluttering. It’s a lot easier when you don’t have to keep moving unnecessary things out of the way.

Happy cleaning...