• Tops hanging in closet

    Curate a Wardrobe That Works for YOU

    What is in your wardrobe? Do you only have clothes that make you feel and look your best? Is everything in your closet suitable to the lifestyle you live now? Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what we really need in our wardrobes. Styles change, jobs and seasons of life change, and so do our bodies. What do…

  • Counter-depth fridge in IKEA pantry wall.

    Counter-Depth Fridge Organization Tips

    Counter-depth fridges have their own organization challenges. Obviously they aren’t as deep as other fridges and there is less room in the freezer. Prioritizing what you really need to keep in your fridge is crucial. Also recognize that organizing a fridge will be constantly changing, as the food stored changes. Click here to read Fridge Organization for Optimal Food Safety…

  • 2024 blush & marble Fringe planner, & weekly planner pad
    Binders,  Organizing

    Planner Tips for Beginners

    Planning is a crucial part of being organized. Are you a beginner to the planner world? (Yes – that is a thing.) Do you use a planner,  or just keep it all “in your head”? Or do you write things down on scraps of paper, which you frequently lose? Maybe you use one for your work schedule and appointments only,…

  • Office bookshelves

    10 Organizing Tips for the Home Office

    Organizing all those different supplies, books, files, electronics, etc. in your home office can be daunting if you have a lot. Do you have an entire room for your home office or just a small space? Your home office may be a multi-functional space and have some unique organizing challenges. The following tips may help. Home Office Tips #1, #2…

  • chest freezer organized with IKEA Hallbar bins
    Home Management,  Organizing

    Chest Freezer Organization With IKEA Bins

    Chest freezers are notorious for swallowing food (pardon the pun), never to be seen again…Or until they are way past their expiry dates and transformed into an unrecognizable crystalline substance. How can you organize it so you can easily get what you want and save money by not wasting food? See how I organized mine with IKEA bins. Why would…

  • dog on back seat of car with red blanket
    Car,  Emergency Preparedness,  Organizing

    Car Organization – Assessing Your Needs

    Whatever your circumstances, your car organization needs to reflect your lifestyle needs. For many people their car is an extension of their homes. As life goes, things change, so you need to continually reassess what you need. Meisha, a little Maltese terrier & chitzo recently came to live with me. Poo bags and hand sanitizer in center console for easy…

  • Entrance picture collage wall

    What Do You Do With Sentimental Inherited Items?

    Are you struggling to decide what to do with a deceased loved ones’ sentimental inherited items? At least once a year I try to go through everything I have in storage and give the spaces a deep clean. Are you like me and find things you forgot you had? Sometimes you may find sentimental things that you haven’t been able…

  • Photo organizing boxes

    Printed Photos – Organizing Your Memories

    If you are like me, you may have thousands of photos stored in various places and formats, so organizing them is a challenge. Digital photos on your phone,  your cloud saver, your computer and your external hard drive or USB flash drives. Depending on your season in life, you may also have some on CDs, DVDs, or even VHS tapes.…

  • Linen closet with white & grey baskets & bins

    Budget-Friendly Linen Closet Organization

    Is your linen closet in need of a re-organization on a budget? New items come in and get shoved wherever you can fit them? Old items get forgotten and take up space? Is a mess starting to takeover? My linen closet wasn’t too bad, but I knew there were some things I needed to let go of. I also wanted…

  • kitchen with minimal items on counter
    Cleaning,  Organizing

    Organize Your Home to Minimize Cleaning Time

    Did you know that having an organized home can minimize your cleaning time? Anyone who knows me, knows that I like a tidy home, but like many people, I don’t like cleaning! I know there are some rare people that actually do. There is also the satisfaction of a job well done at the end, even if you don’t. Laundry…

  • Dining Room Chandelier
    Holiday,  Lifestyle,  Organizing

    Organizing for the Holidays to Minimize Stress

    Do you have your holiday plans organized yet? The gifts, the food, the events, the decorations, and card sending (if you do that)? I know some people put their tree and decorations up right after Halloween. Some people, not naming any names, leave all their gift-buying until December 24th and end up over-spending. The more organized you can be for…

  • Extreme declutter shop - before
    Decluttering,  Organizing

    How to Extreme Declutter – Garage – Part One

    Do you have a space that needs an extreme declutter and organization? Maybe a garage, shed, basement or junk room? Anyone who does any renovations or DIY, can relate to the mess that ends up in my workshop/garage, I’m sure. No matter what the space though, the process is the same. Where to start with your extreme declutter… There are…

  • Miscellaneous clutter
    Decluttering,  Organizing

    How to Deal with Different Clutter Types

    There are many different clutter types and understanding what they are can help you decide how to deal with them. We can get very attached to our stuff and have trouble letting things go even if they are no longer serving us. Our emotions sometimes get in the way of having good sense. Why are you keeping things that no…

  • Pre-teen boy's room refresh - after
    Decluttering,  Decor & DIY,  Organizing

    Pre-Teen Boy’s Room Reset – Game On!

    After doing his sibling’s back-to-school room resets, we finally got to my oldest grandson’s room. As a pre-teen young man, he is all about gaming and basketball. (He is a huge Raptor’s fan.) Closet cleanout already started. Room Reset Step One…Decluttering of course… It always looks worse before it gets better. The decluttering had already been well under way when…

  • Boy's room refresh - after
    Decor & DIY,  Organizing

    Boy’s Room Refresh – Less is More

    After doing his sister’s room, my grandson was eager to get his room refreshed before going back to school. His room was twice the size, but he had some massive furniture and a MASSIVE Lego collection. To say it was a little overwhelming was an understatement. After scratching my head about what to do, where to start, we finally came…