Decluttered items in garage
Cleaning,  Decluttering,  Organizing

Why You Should Go Through Everything You Own At Least Once a Year

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Do you go through everything you own every year? Once upon a time we all had very little, just a few things our parents gave us. As time went on, we acquired more and more. You may have decluttered some over the years – clothes that didn’t fit you or suit your style anymore. Maybe some household goods or personal items moved on when you moved. That’s great, but if you have stayed in the same place for a long time, you probably have more than you think you do.

Yard sale items
Yard sale stuff.

Benefit #1 for going through everything you own...Money

As time goes on, we may forget what we own. Maybe it is something you want or need, but if you don’t know you already have it, you may waste money buying it again. You may also find things that you no longer want that you could sell.

There is also a cost to storing things and maintaining them. How much does it cost you to have a bigger house, garage, shed to hold all your stuff? Or, God forbid, outside storage you have to pay for?

Shelves with paint cans
Is that paint you've been saving still good? Will you really want that bright purple paint in the future?

Benefit #2 for going through everything you own...Maintenance

As you go through your stuff, you can give it a clean and see if it is still in good condition. Some things just deteriorate over time – elastics, paper, fabric, etc. If it needs repair, you can decide to do that if it is still something you want to keep. Or you can decide to let it go and free up space and mental clutter. 

Blue and white tea set
Although very pretty, I never drink tea from a proper tea cup and rarely make a pot of tea.

Benefit #3 for going through everything you own...assess

When you are going through your stuff, you can assess whether you still use it, need it, love it and have the space for it. Does it still suit your lifestyle? If you never go camping anymore, do you really need to keep all that camping equipment? Do you still get pleasure from that nic nac that you have to dust all the time? You may not have been ready to let it go in the past, but finally realize that it isn’t serving you anymore.

scrapbook supply box and notebooks
Scrapbooking plans I still want to do..

Benefit #4 for going through everything you own...remember goals & dreams

You may be reminded of things you wanted to do. A hobby or DIY project you started but then didn’t have time for. Maybe you will be able to make time for it now if it is still important to you. If that isn’t what you want to do anymore and it just makes you feel bad to remember what you failed to do, let it go. Focus on your new hobbies or interests without guilt.

Battery drawer in organizer

Benefit #5 for going through everything you own...reorganize

This goes along with #3. When you are assessing your items you may realize they would better serve you if they were reorganized. Maybe a drawer would work better for you if it had dividers or bins for the different items. You may recognize that the entry hall always becomes a cluttered mess and could use a new organizing solution for shoes.

Benefit #6 ...Make a future move easier...

If you have plans to move in the future it will be easier to declutter, and pack what you want to keep. You won’t be rushed to try and sell items or find new homes for the items you don’t want. Sometimes life throws a curve ball and you may have to move unexpectedly. If you are in the habit of going through your things regularly, you will be more prepared to make any transition.

How to go through everything you own...

You do not have to go through everything all at once – that would be crazy. There are twelve months in the year so you can spread it out as you can make the time. Break down your “going through everything” into manageable bits. A room, a closet, a drawer. Smaller areas in a day or a week, and larger areas in a month. Certain times of the year may be more conducive to certain things or areas. Christmas or seasonal decor can be gone through prior to and after the season or special occasion. The spring is a good time to finally get the garage cleaned out, or the yard equipment in the shed. Don’t forget your vehicle too. 

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