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Make a Meal Planning System

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Meal planning can help you save time, money and maybe help you to eat healthier too. With the high cost of food these days, who can afford to let food go to waste? If you are a busy person, having a strategy can help you have nutritious meals and still get out the door in time without blowing your budget.

Favourite recipe binder
My Filofax Domino, personal size recipe binder.

Step One of Meal Planning System... Recipes

Make a list of your family’s favourite meals for breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. Or, you might only want to meal plan for dinners that you cook. It’s entirely up to you. I like to have at least five go-to item ideas for each meal. If someone has special dietary needs you can also plan meals for them. When the stars align, you might even be able to do the same meal for everyone. You also might like to try a new recipe once in a while, so you could plan to do that.

Favorite Meals -Breakfast printable
Favorite meals -Lunch printable
Favorite Meals -Dinner printable
Favorite meals -Snacks & Appetizers
Favorite meals -Desserts printables
Favorite Meals- Special Occasions printable

Step Two of Meal planning System...Inventory

Inventory your food supplies on hand. For frequently changing items (perishables, cereal, etc.) you may just want to have a quick look to see what you still have. If anything needs to be used up first, you can plan to do that. For other items that you may store for longer periods such as in your freezer or pantry, you may find having an inventory list of items helpful. Who hasn’t forgot what they had lurking in the bottom of a freezer? While you are doing this, check expiry dates and take note of items you need to eat up first.

Slow cooker lasagne
Slow cooker Lasagne
Salad bowl
Salad bowl
Brussels sprouts & Sweet potatoes
Brussels Sprouts & Sweet Potatoes
Baked eggplant parmigiana
Eggplant Parmigiana

Step Three of Meal planning System...Plan Your Meals...

Monthly Meal Plan printable




Check your schedule for the month and take note of any appointments or busy days.

Weekly Meal Planning printable




Plan your meals for a week or two. Keep in mind special activities when you will be eating out. Also if you know you are going to be busy and pressed for time, choose something easy and quick to prepare. If you make a large dinner can you make it stretch to other meals? Leftovers are great and can even be transformed into other meals. Turkey soup anyone?

Step Four ...Make Your Shopping List...

Make your shopping list based on your meal plan and what you already have. If there are some super deals that you want to take advantage of, include them in your plans. A great tip for your weekly (or bi-weekly) shopping budget is to allow 25%, or a specific dollar amount, towards restocking your backstock supplies. (That is, if you keep any extra food on hand like most people do.) Compare your shopping list budget to what you actually spend and tweak accordingly.

A few more tips...

  • Do a light cleaning of fridge and pantry if needed before adding any new items. 
  • Eat before you go shopping so you won’t be tempted with impulse purchases because you are hungry.
  • Go shopping when it is less busy to minimize your stress.
  • Put items away in containers immediately.

You can watch my video below...