2 teal canning jars in fridge with salads
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Fridge Organization for Optimal Food Safety/Oops…I was doing it wrong…

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How do you organize the fridge for optimal food safety? After grocery shopping this week I decided this would be a good time to reorganize the fridge. After doing a little research, I realized I’ve been doing a few things wrong…oops. Have you have been making the same mistakes?

Ikea kitchen pantry & fridge

Cleaning the fridge is such a fun chore...NOT!

It is essential to keep the fridge clean to prevent cross-contamination and premature food spoilage. Save money and prevent someone getting sick from spoiled food with proper cleaning and storage. Some basic fridge organization rules can help, but you may need to tweak some areas for you own needs.

Basic Fridge Organization Rules...

Rules to follow for optimal safety…

#1) The fridge temperature should be set at under 5 degrees Celsius. Get a free-standing thermometer to check out different parts of the fridge, even if your fridge has one built-in. Leave it for an hour, and see where the temperature varies. The back of the fridge is typically colder than the front and the doors get the warmest but it can vary with different fridges.

#2) Don’t over-stuff your fridge because the air needs to circulate to keep it cool.

#3) Don’t keep it half empty either or the temperature will be uneven.

#4) Always wipe up spills and messes immediately as they happen. This makes it a lot easier to clean when they don’t have a chance to become dried-out and crusty and it will eliminate the opportunity for bacteria to grow. 

#5) Always put new stock at the back and older at the front, like they do in the grocery stores, so the older ones get used up first.

#6) Keep an eye on expiry or best before dates.

#7) Put food in it’s proper zone.

#8) All ready-to-eat or cooked food need to be wrapped or covered in the fridge.

Fruits and Vegetables and Ethylene...

Some fruits and vegetables produce the plant hormone ethylene that speeds ripening or causes some, like potatoes, to sprout. When these ethylene producers are put with ethylene sensitive fruits and vegetables it causes the sensitive ones to go bad quicker. Some foods like citrus fruits are neutral. 

And did you know…some things like tomatoes aren’t supposed to be kept in the fridge at all! They lose their flavour and become mealy. Potatoes, onions and squash are best kept in a cooler, low moisture environment like a dark cupboard or somewhere other than the fridge.


vegetables to keep in fridge

Fridge Organization - Ethylene Producers v.s Ethylene Sensitive...

Ethylene Producers

Ethylene Sensitive

Keep these in low humidity…

  • apples & pears
  • grapes & kiwi
  • blueberries, blackberries, strawberries & raspberries
  • mangoes & papaya
  • nectarines, plums, & peaches
  • avocados *not in fridge
  • bananas (ripe) *not in fridge
  • tomatoes *not in fridge
  • potatoes *not in fridge

Keep these in high humidity with the crisper vent closed or in sealed containers.

  • asparagus
  • broccoli & Brussels sprouts 
  • cabbage, carrots & cauliflower
  • eggplant
  • leafy greens & spinach
  • sweet potatoes *not in fridge
  • bananas (unripe) *not in fridge
  • squash *not in fridge
apples to store in fridge
purple cabbage & vegetables
3 mushrooms


Mushrooms are special. They need to be kept cool but also exposed to air.  A paper bag or a container cover in plastic with holes for air flow would be good. 

Okay, now to organize the fridge...

Zone 1: (Top shelves)

Zone 2: (Middle Shelves)

The top shelves are best for ready to eat food:

  • washed,cut up fruits and vegetables
  • left-overs
  • cooked pies
  • drinks
  • hummus
  • herbs
  • deli meats
  • berries

Eggs and other dairy that need to be stored at the coldest temperatures should go on these shelves. Check with a thermometer in your fridge to determine the coldest part though.

salad bowl

Zone 3: (Lower Shelves)

Zone 4: (Crispers)

To keep bacteria spreading to other foods, raw meat is best kept here in its original packaging and placed on a plate or in a designated bin to catch any drippings.

I’m sure everyone knows the crisper drawers are for fruits and vegetables. Keep the ethylene producing items in one and the ethylene sensitive items in the other and adjust for humidity accordingly.

Zone 5:(Freezer)

Many foods can be frozen including milk and cheese, but lettuce and cucumbers do not fare well. I cook larger portions than what I can eat, and have found that by freezing smaller portions, I have handy ready-to-go food for my meals at work.

The lower portion of my freezer drawer came with a divider so it was easy to allocate one side for fruits and vegetables and the other for meats. I also utilized some magazine holders to divide the different kinds of meat- chicken, pork, beef, seafood, etc.

The upper drawer did not come with any dividers so I made my own with some fridge bins and a basket. On one side I keep my ready-to-go meals and leftovers and on the other I keep extra sandwich meat, butter and cheese.

Food Containers for Fridge Organization...

When storing food you should only use food grade containers made from glass, plastic or stainless steel. Never store leftovers in tin cans because it can become toxic.

  • Mason jars are great for storing leafy greens or ready-made salads. 
  • Pyrex glass containers can go in oven and fridge but let them cool down first. Also, never put them directly from the fridge into the oven, unless you like to have a big mess and shattered glass to clean up.
  • Bins and baskets can help compartmentalize like items. ie. dairy items, beverages, left-overs,etc. This also makes them easier to access.
  • Label food with the expiry date or date opened if transferring to a new container.

Customize your fridge organization...

There are many different styles of fridges with many variations on shelf layouts and drawers. Everyone has different food preferences and lifestyle needs so assess your needs and take the tips that will work for you. Happy organizing!

Fridge Organization 2018

This is the video I made in January. Can you see what I did wrong?

(The celery container should not be on the top shelf, unless it is already washed and ready to eat.)