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Money Matters

Top Ten Tips to Save Money on Food Anyone Can Do

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Food is the second largest expense most people have after rent or mortgage. Here are my top ten tips to save money on food.

assorted vegetables in dishes

Tip #1 Have a Budget and stick to it!

If we have a set amount of money that we want to spend on food, we will be less tempted to make impulse buys that will just increase our food bill.

Dollar sign

Tip #2 Plan your meals...

Having a plan will keep you focused on what you actually need to buy. You can make a plan based on your special dietary needs and preferences, your schedule and what is on sale. 

I found these on Pinterest.

Tip #3 Only buy what you really need...

Before you go shopping, go through your fridge and pantry and see what you already have. Based on your meal plan, make your shopping list on items you are actually going to need.

black & white inside fridge door

Tip #4 Take advantage of "sales"within limits...

If you find a great deal on something, only get what you can eat or have space to store safely and will eat before they expire. When stockpiling items you use regularly, you still need to keep within your budget!

Tip #5 Make leftovers your friend..

When you cook a big meal one night, freeze any leftovers for future nights when you won’t have time or feel like cooking. You can also re-use some the next day. For example: if you have a turkey one night, the next day you could have a turkey sandwich, turkey casserole or turkey soup.

Roasted chicken
Bowls of soup with noodles

Tip #6 Learn how to cook...

Not only will you save money on food that you would otherwise be throwing in the garbage (compost) because it is burnt or just tastes too horrible to eat, you will be able to eat better, healthier meals. Once you learn how to do a few things, it doesn’t take much more time to prepare. You will know all the ingredients you are eating and not eating all the preservatives that come in ready-made food. 

*Some things may be more expensive to cook from scratch, but do a cost comparison first, and weigh the benefits of buying something ready made versus homemade. I quit buying canned spaghetti sauce years ago when I found a recipe I liked better and I can control how much salt and what other ingredients go into it.

Tip #7 "Brown bag" it to work or school...

Save a lot of money by not eating out all the time. Here is where planning your meals comes in handy. By having a good selection of things you like to eat ready to go, it is easy to throw your lunch in your bag and be out the door. If you are really organized you can pack your bag the night before.

picnic basket with sandwich and coffee

Tip #8 Stop buying food!

Seriously. Have a no-spend week or two, (or month if you have a huge stockpile of food.) Use up your older food items in your freezer and pantry before they expire or go bad.

If you still need to buy staple items like bread, milk and eggs – fine – but put your blinders on to everything else.

Shopping Cart

Tip #9 Comparison shop the sales...

Look at the weekly flyers – the old school way or online.  Base your shopping list on what you need (tip #3) Many stores will let you price match so you don’t have to go to their competitor. It is also helpful sometimes to use a phone app such as “Flipp” where you can see what everyone has on sale.

Tip #10 Keep it simple...

If you want to try a new recipe once or twice a month, that’s great, but do it within your budget. Have a staple list of ingredients that you have on hand that you can make a few different dishes.

For example: I always buy can tomatoes, ground turkey or chicken, onions and mushrooms. By adding kidney beans, peppers or celery and different spices I can make either a wicked chili or spaghetti sauce.

food jars on open shelves

I hope you have found these tips helpful. Time for me to go now. I’m hungry looking at all this food.