closet full of clothes
Lifestyle,  Organizing

Creating a Capsule Wardrobe

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Creating a capsule wardrobe can simplify your life. It’s that time of year again – the seasonal closet declutter and change out, if you have your seasonal items stored away elsewhere. This year I have been exploring the concept of creating a capsule wardrobe to help simplify my life and create a wardrobe that works for me. I generally go through my closet twice a year in spring and fall, although I haven’t stored my seasonal or off-size clothes separately. Sometimes, I try to go through it quarterly, but that doesn’t always work out if I get too busy.

pink water bottle, workout bra and black shoes
jeans, cardigan and boots
black sweater

What is a capsule wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is a minimal wardrobe that contains only items that you need, love and wear for your lifestyle. If you were to get dressed in the dark, you would still be coordinated and not look ridiculous because everything is versatile and goes with everything else. There isn’t a set number of pieces that you have to have because everyone is different – their lifestyle needs and personal preferences. It is not boring or monochromatic – unless that is what you like.

grey & black sweatshirts

What are the benefits of a capsule wardrobe?

As I already mentioned, a capsule wardrobe will help to simplify your life by making it easier to get dressed in the morning, saving time.  Your capsule wardrobe is a tool to help you live your best life with clothes that flatter you. It will save you money as you will be more intentional about your purchases in the future and have quality over quantity. If you are short on space it will also give you more breathing room. Your ecological impact on the environment will also be lessened.

Where to start in making a capsule wardrobe...

The first thing you need to do is to assess your lifestyle. What percentage of your life is spent going to work, school, church, pursuing a sport or hobby? How often do you need to dress up for a special occasion? Do you really go to business meetings or cocktail parties or is that part of your fantasy life? What is the weather like where you live? Do you have four seasons like most of us in Canada or do you live where it is hot all the time? 

clothes on hangers

Make a plan for your capsule wardrobe...

There are many different ways to go about this. I particularly liked the idea of having four different capsule wardrobes – Basics for All Year, Seasonal, Trend and Occasional.  Sometimes you may want to mix things up a bit, try a new style or trend so limiting the number of these that you bring in can be helpful. I like to have at least a few options for dressing up so I’m not frantically looking for an outfit at the last minute if I get invited to a wedding or some other special occasion, and potentially overspending on an item I’ll only wear once.

 If you like to ski or engage in other seasonal activities, your coats and other items can be kept in deep storage when not in use. If you have a wedding dress or other sentimental item that you cannot part with, it should be stored properly in deep storage – not with your everyday, functional wardrobe.

back of wedding dress with bow
lady in red coat looking at rock mountain

Decide on your colour palette for your capsule wardrobe...

Now that you have determined what types of clothing you need in your wardrobe, you can decide what colour palette you would like your capsule wardrobe to be, based on what you love and what best complements you.  If you would like me to do an article on determining your colour seasons (made popular in the 80’s by Carol Jackson’s book “Color Me Beautiful”) please comment below.


  • 2 neutrals for basics – black, white, grey, tan,etc. – these will be a blank canvass for everything
  • 3 main colours – for pants, skirts, coats, shoes, etc. They will work with neutrals, other main colours and at least 2 accent colours.
  • 4 accent colours – for accessories and single items like tops and skirts that you would pair with key pieces or basics. They will work with the neutrals and at least 2 main colours. If they go with each other – even better.
pants hanging in closet
Black and navy pants, black skirt and black dress
tops & sweaters hanging in closet
Grey, blue & black tops and black & grey cardigans, 1 pink athletic jacket
tops & sweater hanging in closet
Flowy tops and sweater
t-shirts folded in bin
T-shirts folded in the filing method.
t-shirts folded in bin & sweatshirts
Accent colours of aqua, green, pink and red

Declutter clothes ...

The next step to making a capsule wardrobe is to go through all your clothes and declutter items you no longer want or that fit your lifestyle. Take everything out of your closet and drawers and make piles for items you:

  • love
  • maybe
  • seasonal or trend
  • occasional
  • recycle
  • or donate.

Get rid of the obvious first – those clothes you hate, feel uncomfortable in, are stained or damaged beyond repair, or your desire to do so. Next, try everything on and look at yourself in a full-length mirror.  Note what outfits flatter you and make you feel confident and amazing. If it is a “maybe” item perhaps altering would make it a “yes” or if you don’t want to go through the trouble of doing that, pass it on to someone else who it will fit perfectly. Pick out the items that you love, that define your style, your colour selections, and put them in your closet. Store seasonal and trend items in their own designated compartments, or in deep storage, if off-season.

short sleeve tops hanging in closet
Summer clothes are stored on a separate rod.
paint clothes
Textile recycle.
declutter clothing
To donate.


After you have gone through your current wardrobe and determined what you can use to make your capsule wardrobe, you may find that you don’t need anything. Or maybe you just need a few accessories to make it complete. It doesn’t have to cost a lot either. There are many thrift stores that are teaming with potential items at a fraction of the cost of buying new.

Some key points to keep in mind when looking for items for a capsule wardrobe are:

  • Is it timeless and classic?
  • Versatile? Can it be dressed up or down? 
  • Is it a simple silhouette?
  • Can it be layered?
  • Does it go with everything?
  • Is it your style?
  • Based on your body type?
  • Good quality or will it wear out after one season?
  • Does it fit with your ethics? Are you vegan?


brown boots, belt & watch, white shirt, grey paints & sunglasses
  • Keep it tidy. Do not put anything on the floor in your closet. Hang or fold items and store in appropriate modules.
  • Regularly purge items that are outgrown, out worn or out of favor. As humans we are constantly changing. Are bodies change, our tastes change and fashion changes.
clothes on wooden hangers