pantry baking supplies
Decluttering,  Home Management,  Organizing

Five Easy Steps to Declutter and Organize Your Pantry

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Are you wanting to declutter and organize your pantry? I recently decluttered and reorganized my pantry cabinets and spices…

pantry organizing
Pantry wall with microwave shelf.

Step #1 is to remove everything...

Take everything out and clean shelves and drawers. Measure  your shelves and drawers height, width and depth. By measuring your spaces you can determine what size containers you need to purchase or re-purpose from another  area in your home. If you like, you can also draw out a plan of how everything will look.

Step #2 is to purge,purge,purge...

Go through all food items and check expiry dates. Discard any expired items, items you can’t remember when you bought them or items you don’t like. If you or anyone else in your family doesn’t like something and it won’t get eaten in the foreseeable future, why waste valuable real estate in your pantry? 

Step#3 is to sort into categories...

pantry can drawer
Canned goods, extra condiments and broth.
pantry dry goods cabinet
Dry goods in glass containers and extras in baskets.

Keep like with like based on the food categories you use.

Maybe you like to have a taco night, or love pasta or rice. You could organize them by meal – breakfast, lunch or dinner. Baking items can be all together in one area, snacks in another. If someone has special dietary needs due to diabetes, gluten intolerance or other health issues, these could be kept in their own special place. If there are children or babies their items can also be organized for them, so do what works for you and your family.

pantry onions & potatoes
Wire, lined baskets on top of stacking bins from Dollarama.

Step #4...Containerize...

Take staple food items out of their packaging and put into containers. I like to put my flour, sugar, pasta, rice and oatmeal in glass canisters.  Baskets hold extra backup supplies that don’t fit in the canisters or assorted items that I want to keep in the original packaging.

If you eat cereal, they can be put in plastic cereal containers so you will always know what you are running low on.

Take granola bars and prepackaged snack items out of their boxes and put in a basket or bin. Again, you will always know what you are running low on and you will save space by getting rid of the boxes.

Cut out nutritional information, instructions if needed, and put on the bottom or back of the new container. You can also write on the expiry date.

pantry baking supplies
pantry baking supplies

Finally, Step #5 to Declutter and Organize your pantry is to label the containers...

  Put labels on items that look similar or are for a specific person. Not everything needs to be labelled but if there is more than one person going in the pantry there is a better chance that things will be put where they belong.

pantry spice drawer

I labeled these spice jars from IKEA and put them in alphabetical order,and yes, I do use them all.