kitchen with minimal items on counter
Cleaning,  Organizing

Organize Your Home to Minimize Cleaning Time

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Did you know that having an organized home can minimize your cleaning time? Anyone who knows me, knows that I like a tidy home, but like many people, I don’t like cleaning! I know there are some rare people that actually do. There is also the satisfaction of a job well done at the end, even if you don’t.

Laundry room declutter -minimize c;leaning
Laundry & sewing room declutter sorting pile.

#1 Tip to organize your home to minimize cleaning time...

If you hate cleaning, like I do, having less stuff is the key to minimizing your cleaning time. The more stuff you have to move around, store, or take care of, the longer it will take to do regular cleaning. That’s a no-brainer, right? I probably sound like a broken record here…Declutter, declutter, declutter. Keep only the things you love and/or use. Why would you spend extra time moving things out of the way or cleaning, if they aren’t something you really want to keep?

Pullout garbage cans
Put trash where it belongs.

What else can you do to minimize cleaning time?...

  • Give everything a home. If it is trash, put it there.
  • Have a donation/discard box handy for regular decluttering.
  • Develop the habit of putting things away immediately. Save yourself that step when you get around to cleaning day. 
IKEA glass display cabinet to minimize cleaning
Glass door cabinet to display white dishes, etc.
  • Use closed storage spaces to minimize dust. If you want to display some things, glass cabinet doors can help.
  • Minimize decorative objects that are out in the open such as on a shelf. One to three items to move are a lot less work than a dozen tiny tchotchkes.
  • Minimize flat surfaces. Things pile up on tables and other surfaces. Consider whether you can do without that sideboard, coffee or end table, etc..
  • Consider the materials on your furniture and other items. Are they durable and easy to clean? Do they have extra grooves that dust can get in? Can messes get wiped up easily? 
kitchen countertops for minimal cleaning time
Kitchen countertops have only the things I love or use regularly.

More Tips to minimize cleaning time...

  • Streamline what you keep on your countertops. Only keep a few items that you regularly use and like to look at. This makes wiping it off extremely easy.
  • Clean up spills and messes right away. It will take only a minute or two if done immediately. If you wait until your cleaning day, it will have had time to dry and set in and take longer to get cleaned.
  • When cooking, put ingredients away as soon as you finish using them. If not washing right away, rinse dishes off and put water in pots to soak. *Don’t let things get dried on!

Routines that can help...

  • Having 5-to-10-minute tidy-ups throughout the day or just in the evening will save time on cleaning day.
  • Establish a routine with dishwashing. Are you single or have a large family? Do you have a dishwasher or wash dishes by hand? If you don’t have enough for a full load in the dishwasher or will not be washing them right away, at least rinse them off. For hand washing, you could stack them neatly in the sink, and wash them once after supper.
  • Designate a laundry day, or if you have a large family, doing one load per night might work for you.
  • Create a cleaning schedule. Daily, weekly, etc.
  • Spread out “bigger” cleaning jobs. Those things that only have to be cleaned once every couple of weeks, once a month or more.

I hope you have found these tips helpful.

If you would like help with your decluttering and organizing project, please contact me to set up an appointment...

You can watch the video below with Tips to Minimize Cleaning Time...