Laundry Room
Decluttering,  Organizing

Laundry Room Decluttering and Organizing Tips

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Decluttering and organizing my new and improved laundry room was one of the first priorities this year. All good organizing projects start with decluttering – that’s usually the hardest part. Then comes the fun – re-organizing the items to keep in a functional way. I also like things to be aesethically pleasing to the eye. Why not make it beautiful too?

Assorted laundry cleaning supplies
Laundry products to sort and declutter
Laundry room declutter
Laundry room declutter
Laundry room declutter -minimize c;leaning
Sewing items and accessories
Laundry room declutter
Household supplies and accessories

Decluttering Tips for the laundry room...

Laundry rooms tend to be multi-functional rooms. They may be combined with a bathroom, a storage room or a sewing room, like mine. At the very least, they are likely used to store various household and cleaning supplies with laundry items. It’s easy for the surplus items to take over. Purging items you no longer want can free valuable real estate in your drawers, cupboards and on shelves. 

  1. Take everything out so you can start with a blank slate.
  2. Group like items so you can see what you have in each category.
  3. Check expiry dates, if applicable, and discard any cleaning products that have gone bad.
  4. Discard any trash.
  5. Discard any items you know that you do not want anymore that you want to give away or sell.
  6. Take note of anything you would like to replace – like that broken laundry basket.
Bissell hand held steam cleaner
Practically brand new items I decided to donate.

Questions to ask yourself to help you let go...

It’s easy to decide on some things to keep – you know you use them on a regular basis, or periodically as needed. If you have trouble deciding what you want to discard ask yourself these questions.

  • Do I love it?
  • Do I use it now?
  • Or do I plan to use it in the next 3 months?

(If “yes” to the first 3 questions – keep it.)

  • Am I saving this for my fantasy life? (Will I ever use that iron, sewing machine, fill-in-the-blank?) If you’re honest and the answer is “no”, then it can go.
  • What is the worst thing that would happen if I got rid of it?
  • If I need it in the future, will it take more than 20 minutes or cost more than $20 to replace?
  • Would I be able to borrow one if I need it in the future?
  • Can someone else benefit from having this now?
Shelf liner
Shelf liner added to drawers and lower shelves
Drawer liner
Drawers with liner

Prep shelves, cupboards, etc....

Before putting anything away in cupboards or on shelves at least wipe them down. If they are a little worse for wear, and you can’t afford to change them out, paint them or put a liner on them. I used self-adhesive plastic liners in a grey and white pattern. They are great for covering up the stains and protecting against any future damage.

Household supply organizing
Candles, scented wax, essential oils, lightbulbs, keys and paper towels

Organize in categories...

This is probably self-explanatory, but I’ll say it anyway. Sort items like with like. Cleaning and/or household supplies, actual laundry products and tools, etc.  In one upper cabinet I have things related to lights – light bulbs and candles, which leads to scented wax and essential oils. Extra keys are organized on the inside cabinet door with a little key organizer I found at Dollarama. Shoe box containers are great for organizing small items – not just shoes.

Clothing and footwear care are kept in the same cabinet as my sewing supplies. All of my back stock for my Norwex cleaners, spray bottles and environmentally friendly Mrs. Meyers cleaners are there too.

Sewing & cleaning supply organizing
Clothing & footwear care, sewing items & cleaning supplies cabinet.

More organizing tips for laundry room...

Everything needs to have a home and make sense for how you use them. Most used items need to be easily accessible . Less used items can be placed farther away. My sewing supplies (thread, fabrics and notions) are in the cabinet directly above the sewing machine. The small sewing items like needles, pins and scissors are in the drawer closest to it. I repurposed bins, baskets from IKEA and an old travel cosmetic case which I painted white, that I’ve had for years. The aqua bin that holds extra Norwex cleaners was a new purchase from Dollarama.

Battery drawer in organizer
Battery drawer
Sewing drawer organization
Sewing drawer
Laundry room organizing
Garbage can on door, mini recycling bin for batteries, and extra cleaning supplies.
Laundry room organizer
Bag holder on door, 2 tier organizer for micro fiber cloths, funnel & blind cleaner.

Laundry room DIY...

I had this idea for an ironing board holder for years.  Scrap pieces of baseboard from another reno project were left over and I just had to buy the hooks. Of course, I also used some left over white paint. 

Ironing board holder
Ironing board holder
DIY Ironing board holder

Curate items you love...

Take advantage of those nostalgic treasures you have acquired and put them to use. Save money and the planet by re-using as much as possible. If you don’t have anything that fits with the look and feel of what you want, check out yard sales and thrift stores. I did buy a few things from Dollarama to organize and decorate – the tin planters to hold my bleach and other laundry cleaning supplies, a couple more glass bottles for liquid detergent and a fake plant. A real one would never survive in here – even if I remembered to water it.

My mother’s old waste can and yard stick are readily available for use. The waste can is now my lint holder. An old glass cookie jar that I used to have a terrarium in, now holds my Norwex powder laundry detergent. Pictures on the walls are from my travels to Paris and Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.

Laundry room after with barn door
Back stock Norwex supplies in baskets on top of cabinets.
Laundry room with barn door & basket tray on washing machine
Lint can & essential oil diffuser & vintage ruler.
Wicker laundry baskets, 2 shelves with laundry items
Regularly used items on shelves - detergents, Borax, iron, etc.

One final tip...

You have probably noticed in the photos that I like to use baskets and other “solid” containers to hide things and reduce visual clutter. My steamer, which I rarely use is in the basket on the top shelf, above my iron. The extra Norwex products, sterile water, cleaning vinegar and baking soda are in baskets on top of the cabinets.

You can see my laundry room videos below...